Editor’s Note: If you have an interest in art, meet Karen Blair. She’s a wildly talented and accomplished painter, known for her large canvases full of color. You can’t have a bad day if you’re lucky enough to spot a Karen Blair, let alone own one. Peruse her work at Warm Springs Gallery in Bath County, Bond Millen Gallery in Richmond, or on her website. KarenBlairArtist.com
Karen Blair: Christen Yates lives with her husband, four school-aged children, a flock of hens, some goats, and a rescue dog—a recipe for chaos if there ever was one. Not so! Her gentle, contemplative work shows an inner peace and affinity for the timelessness of the landscape. Yates captures her surrounding mountains and fields, and occasionally animals, with economy and assurance. Anyone who needs to be reminded that we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world can find it in these paintings. ChristenYates.com